Check-out some of the personal stories of recovery and OCD from the community!
David Adam – The man who couldn’t stop (2016).
The Man Who Couldn’t Stop: OCD and the True Story of a Life Lost in Thought: Adam, David: 9781250083180: Books
Rose Cartwright – Pure (2015).
Pure: Rose Bretécher: 9781783527366: Books
John B. – The boy who finally stopped washing: OCD from both sides of the couch (2008).
The Boy Who Finally Stopped Washing: OCD from Both Sides of the Couch: B., John: 9780979133961: Books
Jared Kant – The thought that counts: A firsthand account of one teenager’s experience with obsessive-compulsive disorder (2008).
The Thought that Counts: A Firsthand Account of One Teenager’s Experience with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Adolescent Mental Health Initiative): Kant with, Jared, Franklin Ph.D. and, Martin, Andrews, Linda Wasmer: 9780195316896: Books
Fletcher Wortmann — Triggered: A memoir of obsessive-compulsive disorder (2012).
Triggered: A Memoir of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Wortmann, Fletcher: 9780312622107: Books
Charles Barber — Songs from the black chair: a memoir of mental interiors (2007).
Songs from the Black Chair: A Memoir of Mental Interiors (American Lives): Barber, Charles: 9780803259751: Books
Jenifer Wolf — Mirror mirror off the wall: A personal experience of intertwined obsessive/compulsive spectrum disorders body dysmorphic disorder and trichotillomania (2003).
Mirror Mirror Off the Wall: A Personal Experience of Intertwined Obsessive/Compulsive Spectrum Disorders Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Ttrichotillomania: Wolf, Jenifer: 9780595262540: Books
Emily Colas — Just checking: Scenes from the life of an obsessive compulsive (1999).
Just Checking: Scenes from the life of an obsessive-compulsive: Colas, Emily: 9780671024383: Books
Terry Weible Murphy, Michael Jenike, Edward Zine — Life in rewind: The story of a young courageous man who persevered over OCD and the Harvard doctor who broke all the rules to help him (2010).
Life in Rewind: The Story of a Young Courageous Man Who Persevered Over OCD and the Harvard Doctor Who Broke All the Rules to Help Him: Murphy, Terry Weible, Jenike M.D., Michael A., Zine, Edward E.: 9780061561467: Books
Marc Summers — Everything in its place: My trials and triumphs with obsessive compulsive disorder (1999). Everything In Its Place: My Trials and Triumphs with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: 9780874779905: Summers, Marc: Books
Terry Spencer Hesser — Kissing doorknobs (1999). Kissing Doorknobs (Laurel-Leaf Books): 9780440413141: Hesser, Terry Spencer, Allen, A.J.: Books
Jennifer Traig — Devil in the details: Scenes from an obsessive girlhood (2006).
Devil in the Details: Scenes from an Obsessive Girlhood: Traig, General Jennifer: 9780316010740: Books
Reagan Smith — Abyss to Zenith: Up from insanity: one man’s triumph over obsessive-compulsive disorder (2002).
Abyss to Zenith — Up From Insanity: One Man’s Triumph Over Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Smith, Reagan: 9780965828819: Books