Children’s Mental Health Bill 2518
An Act Relative to Children’s Mental Health in the Commonwealth is sponsored by Representatives Ruth Balser and Steve Tolman. This bill would create a coherent system of care for children with mental health needs. It would ensure that families that seek access to care would face fewer restrictions around eligibility and insurance
Mental Health Parity, House Bill 4423
Sponsored by Rep Ruth Balser builds on the Mental Health Act of 2000. This parity bill eliminates the distinction between biologically based disorders and other mental health and substance abuse disorders so that all individuals would have insurance coverage for treatment of mental health and substance abuse disorders. It removes arbitrary limits on mental health and substance abuse services as well as arbitrary annual limits on non-biologically based mental disorders.
Treatment of Prisoners with Mental Illness, House Bill 1313
Requires that inmates that meet criteria for mental illness be transferred into residential treatment units or provided with necessary treatment in the general population. Inmates placed in a segregation unit must have a mental health evaluation within 24 hours. The bill also sets requirements for the annual training of the corrections staff.
Pay Rates for Human and Social Services; Senate Bill 65
Sponsored by Senator Gale Candaras. Under this bill human service contract rates would be based on the fair market value of the services. The human service providers have not had a raise in over 20 years, leading to high turnover rates devastating to the recovery process. It will designate the Division of Health Care Finance Policy within EOHHS to set rates, establish a regular system of rate review as well as a process for agencies to appeal the rates.